Thursday, 29 April 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Have you ever had that urge to call out "Wow Mummy, LOOK AT ME!"  - I mean after hitting puberty? I had that moment about 5 minutes ago when Sue Madex ( awarded me the Beautiful Blogger Award! 

I mean lil ol' me! The one with the blog from umm.. Feb 2010 hehe

Anyway, given the array of wonderful bloggers around, I am very chuffed! Especially when you check out Art With Heart's Blog Hop Ladies... I mean really... :)

So now, as a BBA winner I'm supposed to tell you 10 things about me - where to start???
  1. I'm a dag. Not the closet kind, but the out and proud kind - the one who is currently curled up on the couch with the laptop in flannel jamies and slippers known as "hoodies for feet" - the girls call them my adult booties!
  2. I'm a criminal defence lawyer who loves her work and the rough and tumble of advocating for largely disadvantaged and disenfranchised people who screw up from time to time.
  3. That despite being new to cardmaking and the ocassional scrapbooking, I have found a whole new world of people (in real life and blogland) who are amazingly talented and have turned what I find to be a relaxing creative outlet into an artform.
  4. I love the look on people's faces when I give them a card that they actually like and want to keep.
  5. That I have an amazing husband who when I open my eyes in the morning and see him sleeping next to me, still gives me butterflies.
  6. That I've been blessed with a remarkably close and loving family, who although seem perpetually plagued with serious illnesses, are amazing, strong [slightly nutty] and inspirational people.
  7. That I am genetically programmed to over-cater and find it impossble to cook for less than 4-6 people at any given time (even though there is usually only 2 of us). On the weekend, I made over 100 crumbed and pan fried mushroom risotto balls as 'nibblies' for friends.
  8. That I love to travel, my current dream trips are to Morocco, Syria, India and North East Africa.
  9. That I am the only person I know that has a whole spice cabinet instead of a rack or two, but still has a cardboard box of "back up spices".
  10. My new found pride is that I have kept one lemon tree and a potted herb garden alive for 12 months. This from a person who has killed succulents, cacti and rosemary!
 Well, scarily enough that's me :)

 Happy scrapping and can't wait to pass on the award! Thank you Sue for passing it on to me too!


  1. Congrats on your award! You are very deserving as your work is gorgeous. It was good of you to share some little tidbits about yourself too.

  2. Hahahaha - LOVE your "10 things", Anne-Marie. Thank you for sharing some snippets of your life. You are very deserving of the award; your blog gives me a lot of pleasure! (PS: I don't own a crimper.)
